Journal Aricles
Wetlands 25(3):776-779.
- Relieving Poverty and Hunger - Mangrove Agroforestry
About 700,000 mangroves, chiefly Avicennia marina, were grown in the tree-less mud flats of Eritrea by a newly developed technology that provides required nitrogen, phosphorus, and iron. A method of fertilization was devised that eliminates the possibility of fertilizer runoff. Novel methods have been developed for planting seeds at the final site and protecting seedlings from uprooting by wave action and encircling wrasse. Methods were developed for preserving mangrove seeds by sun-drying, which results in a stable grain-like product. However, dried mangrove seeds and foliage are insufficient for supporting good growth of sheep, which was a desired outcome. Supplementation of mangrove material with small quantities of a stress food for sheep, consisting of fat-soluble vitamins and minerals renders the mangroves an adequate food. Together, these findings are capable of forming a profitable sea water agriculture and relieving hunger and poverty in many regions of the world.
Gordon Sato, Abraham Fisseha, Simon Gebrekiros, Hassan Abdul Karim, Samuel Negassi, Martin Fischer, Emanuel Yemane,
Johannes Teclemariam, and Robert Riley
Mangroves and Salt Marshes Volume 3, Number 4, 207-213.
- Riley Encased Methodology: principles and processes of mangrove habitat creation and restoration
Riley Encased Methodology (REM) was developed for the purpose of establishing mangroves along highenergy shorelines, revetments, and bulkheads
where natural recruitment no longer occurs and where conventional planting methods are ineffective. The principles of REM include the processes
of individual seedling isolation within tubular encasements and adaptation of the juvenile plant to the external environment of the restoration site.
The success of REM results from specifications for encasement preparation, propagule or seedling selection, and positioning of both encasements and
seedlings according to elevation and tidal regimes.
Robert W. Riley and Chandra P. Salgado Kent
Mangroves and Salt Marshes, Volume 3, Number 4, 215-225.
A comparison of Riley Encased methodology and traditional techniques for planting red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle)
The effectiveness of encasement and traditional techniques for planting red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) in moderate to high wave energy environments was assessed. The three encasement types were the halflength PVC pipes, fulllength PVC pipes, and bamboo pipes. Plantings were conducted in August, 1997 at two locations in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida: Sebastian and Rocky Point. Furthermore, plantings were conducted in November, 1997 using fulllength encasements and conventional planting. Results indicate that seedlings planted within fulllength PVC encasements had the highest survivorship and growth because of their protection from waves and currents. Failure of seedlings within bamboo encasements seemed to be caused by insufficient light exposure. When comparing the two locations, a significantly greater growth was observed at the Sebastian location than at the Rocky Point location for the planting conducted in November, but not for those planted in August. No significant difference was observed in seedling survival when comparing those planted in August and November. However, there was a significantly greater growth in mangroves planted in August. With the exception of width of surf zone, there was no significant difference in the selected environmental parameters between the two locations.
Chandra P. Salgado Kent
Virgin Islands Nonpoint Source Pollution Committee, Vol 2, No 3 Sept 1999.
St. Croix Mangrove Reforestation - Riley Encased Methodology (REM)
SEA (St Croix Environmental Association) and VIMAS (Virgin Islands Marine Advisory Service) are using the Riley Encased Methodology mangrove.org to plant 18,000 red mangroves in Sugar Bay. The goal of this methodology is to encourage mangrove reforestation to create habitat, decrease shoreline erosion, improve water quality, and reduce nonpoint source (NPS) pollution within the watershed. The Riley Encased Methodology was developed for planting red mangroves in high wave or wake energy areas or in deep water, such as around breakwaters. It is also effective in conditions similar to those at Sugar Bay, where water levels fluctuate due to seasonal high tides and runoff from rain events.
University of the Virgin Islands